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  1. NAME
    The name of the association shall be “SINGLETON AUSTRALIAN FOOTBALL CLUB Inc.”
    The objectives of the Singleton Australian Football Club Inc. shall be:
    a) To promote, advance, cultivate and foster the Australian game of football.
    b) To assist in the educational advancement of members of the community by means of the development of a fair sense of play and love of sport.
    c) To encourage, advance and assist in the development of an improved standard of physical fitness in all members of the community both individually and collectively.
    Membership shall consist of the community who are interested in becoming members. Membership shall date from 1st January to 31st December yearly.
    The Honorary Secretary shall maintain a register of members in which shall be entered the full name, address and date of entry of each member and the register shall be available for inspection by members at the address of the secretary.
  5. FEES
    The entrance fees and subscriptions to be paid by members of the incorporated association shall be fixed from time to time by the Committee.
  6. FUNDS
    Funds of the Singleton Australian Football Club Inc. (S.A.F.C Inc) shall be derived from membership entrance fees and subscriptions together with sponsorship and such other fundraising activities allowable at law, which the incorporated association (hereinafter called the Club) may from time to time carry on. The funds of the club shall be banked in the name of the Singleton Australian Football Club Inc. at any registered and regulated Australian Banking Institution and that account shall be operated by the treasurer and one other executive committee member. The Singleton Australian Football Club is a non-profit club, with all monies generated by the said club to be redirected back into the club.
    By decision of the executive committee the club may set up a single signatory account with a total allowable amount of $500.00 at any time, for the use of maintaining club facilities. The signatory of this account must a member of the executive committee or a person unanimously appointed by the executive committee.
    By decision of the executive committee the club may also utilise those banking methods that make the function of the committee more efficient and effective, provided that risk protocols have been employed to ensure the proper management of the club’s financial affairs.
    No member of the club or its Committee shall receive any remuneration, profit or gain from any of the clubs’ operations, except for reasonable remuneration for services rendered to the club.
    The liability of a member of the club to contribute towards the payment of the debts and liabilities of the club or costs, charges and expenses of the winding up of the club is limited to the amount, if any, unpaid by the member in respect of membership fees imposed in accordance with rule 5.
    The Committee shall have the power to expel any member who shall be found guilty of such as shall, in the opinion of the Committee, render such member of the club unfit to be a member thereof, and the Committee shall be bound to give reason for such expulsion. A fore-mentioned member has the right of representation at any such meeting. Any person expelled may, within one (1) month from the date of such expulsion, appeal against the decision of the Committee to a Special General Meeting of the club to be called as herein provided. The officers of the club shall at all times, upon complaint from any person, investigate such a complaint, and if necessary, suspend any officer of the club until its next Committee Meeting.
    The Officers (or Executive Committee) of the club shall comprise President, Senior and Junior Vice Presidents, Hon. Secretary and Hon. Treasurer.
    The Committee shall comprise the Officers and four (4) general committee members, all of whom shall be elected at the annual general meeting (A.G.M.). This Committee, otherwise known as the Management Committee, shall meet regularly, but at least once a month. Any other office bearers appointed at the Annual General Meeting may attend the Committee meetings. At all meetings a quorum shall consist of six (6) Committee members; the President or, in his/her absence, a Vice President, plus two (2) other officers shall be present. Any member who may be elected to the Committee absenting themself from three consecutive Committee meetings without forwarding a satisfactory explanation shall be held to have vacated their office, and it shall be within the power of the Committee to fill any vacancy so created. The Committee shall fill any other vacancy that may occur during the currency of the season and may grant leave of absence.
    Open the meeting, Apologies, Reading and confirmation of the previous minutes, Business arising out of the minutes, Treasurers Report – balance at Bank, Accounts for payment, Secretaries Report- Correspondence in / out, Reports: From Committee, coaches, Sub-Committee, and delegates, General Business.
    The Committee may from time to time appoint Sub-Committees for matters for special interest, such Sub-Committees shall report the result of any investigations to the Committee.
    A) Social Committee:
    Shall consist of Social Secretary, Assistant Treasurer, together with the co-opted workers of the club. The club may from time to time allocate the Social Committee such monies as it may deem necessary for carrying on the work of the Social Committee. A correct account of income and expenditure shall be kept by the Assistant Treasurer and submitted for audit with the other club records at the end of each season. This should include stock book, and all stock is to be held where possible at one point, under lock, during the season and in the off-season. The Social Committee shall regularly report all its activities and present a financial statement to the Committee as and when required.
    B) Selection Committee:
    The Committee shall prior to the beginning of each playing season appoint all Grade Coaches. The appointed Grade Coaches, with the assistance of the Committee shall then appoint; 1. Team Managers, 2. Playing Leadership group consisting of; a. Captain, b. Vice-Captain & c. Deputy Vice-Captain (where considered appropriate) 3. Selection Committee for each grade (which may be the same for all grades)
    Any Selector absenting themself from three (3) consecutive Selection Committee meetings without forwarding a satisfactory explanation shall be held to vacate their position and it shall be within the power of the Committee to fill that vacancy.
    Award Trophies:
    The Committee, with the assistance of the Selection Committee, shall decide on the method of voting and trophies to be voted for will be decided. At the conclusions of the season the Committee shall select and acquire necessary trophies.
    The President and Hon Treasurer shall be Ex-Officio members of all Sub-Committees.
    a) The Annual General Meeting of the club shall be held prior to the A.G.M. for the leagues with which the Club is affiliated in each year for the purpose of confirming the minutes of the Annual General Meeting, receiving the Annual Reports and Balance Sheet and the election (by Ballot if necessary) of office bearers as herein provided. The Annual Meeting shall also elect an auditor and consider any other business submitted to the meeting in a proper manner and in accordance with the constitution herewith.
    b) Notice of the A.G.M. shall be published at least 14 days prior to the meeting being held in a newspaper and/or online media, circulating in the Singleton area
    c) In the event of any position on the Committee not being filled at the A.G.M., the standing Committee may fill such position subsequent to a meeting of the committee.ORDER OF BUSINESS AT THE A.G.M
    Open the meeting, Apologies, Reading and confirmation of the minutes of previous A.G.M., Business Arising, The Annual Report (Presidents) and Treasurers Report, Election of the Office Bearers, Appointment of Committee and any delegates, General Business and matters affecting the welfare or interest of the club.
    1. Nominations as members of the Committee may be verbally made at the A.G.M but:
    2. All candidates for positions, together with the proposer and seconder must be full financial members at the time of nomination
    3. At all A.G.Ms a quorum shall consist of six (6) members.
    a) The President or Secretary shall call a Special General Meeting on receiving a requisition setting forth the objectives of the proposed meeting signed by five (5) active members. Seven (7) days’ notice of such Special Meeting shall be given to members either by notice in the daily press or where club notices are displayed. Such a Special General Meeting shall be held within fourteen (14) days from the date of such requisition, and at least 50% of the Committee shall be present to constitute a quorum at such a Special General Meeting.
    b) The Committee shall have the power to call a Special General Meeting of the Club whenever they have matters under consideration upon which it may be deemed necessary or desirable to obtain the opinions of the members. The same notice shall be given in this instance as for the Special General Meeting called on the requisition of members.
    The President or in their absence a Vice-President shall take the chair at all Committee meetings, but in the event of neither being present at the meeting, the members shall appoint a Chairman for the occasion. The Chairman of any meeting, in addition to his ordinary vote, shall have a casting vote.
    The financial year of the club shall be deemed to commence on the first day of July each year and conclude on 30 September each year. All members shall be deemed to be financial for the purpose of voting at the Annual General Meeting, or for nomination purposes, if the Annual Subscription has been paid prior to the commencement of the Annual General Meeting at which the voting is to take place.
    The date of the Financial Year was amended from the first day of July each year, concluding on the 30th June each year as per the vote of the committee at a Special General Meeting held on 31 January 2024. 
    All votes shall be given personally.
    a) The General Committee shall be empowered to elect any persons (not more than two (2) in one year) they deem fit for Honorary Life Membership. Candidates for Hon. Life Membership shall have given outstanding service to the club and Committee over a period of not less then five (5) years.
    The words “and Committee” were removed from Section 19 paragraph a) as per AGM vote on 1st of October 2015.
    b) The officers shall be empowered to recommend to the General Committee any person they deem fit for Honorary Life membership by virtue of extraordinary service in the event the period of service being less than five years.
    c) The right of Hon. Life members to exercise a vote shall be restricted to the A.G.M. except where the Life member is an active member of the Committee, whereby he shall be entitled to all voting rights.
    d) Any player who plays 200 senior games for the club shall automatically qualify for Hon. Life Membership. 

    The amendment of this section was ratified at the 2017 AGM. This policy sets out the minimum criteria to be eligible for nomination of Life Membership of SAFC. This award exists to recognise the valuable and exceptional contribution of individuals to SAFC. It is therefore only to be awarded in exceptional circumstances. Only one nominee should receive this award in any one year period. The club recognises that exceptional circumstances may arise when two worthy recipients are eligible. It will then be at the discretion of the executive committee how many awards are given. It should also be recognised that a Life Membership award does not have to be presented each year.
    In considering the award of Life Membership an individual should have demonstrated significant, sustained and high-quality service enhancing the reputation and future of the overall Club. The criteria to be taken into account when considering any nomination include:
  1. General Considerations – the general attitude and overall demeanour of the nominee shows a dedication to the values of the Club:
    • Commitment to the principals of good sportsmanship
    • Valued leadership and good role modelling that reflects credit upon the Club
    • Promoting the club positively within the local community
    2. Length of Service – only voluntary service is to be considered regarding Life Membership awards. The length of service to the Club should be service of 10 years minimum as a player and/or as a volunteer role with such service in either role being taken concurrently.
    3. Other Specific Criteria – specific achievement, both on and off the field, will be taken into consideration. Four areas of service to the Club could include:
    • Playing;
    • Coaching/Managing;
    • Administration; and
    • General Active Volunteer (including fund-raising, canteen coordinator, supporting and other issues that a Committee may see as relevant)
    4. Active Involvement – participation in the function of the club which includes factors such as attendance at club functions, willing acceptance of day-to-day operational tasks and general contribution to the club.
    Process for Assessing Applications for Life Membership:
    • Nominations for Life Membership must be forwarded by a Committee member to the Secretary of the Club at least one (1) month prior to the Annual General Meeting.
    • Nominations should demonstrate:
    o attainment of minimum service requirements. (Criterion 2 above);
    o an outstanding contribution in at least two (2) of the three (3) nomination criteria as deemed appropriate at the discretion of the Committee;
    o other details of exemplary service as may be relevant.
    • Each nomination received by the Secretary is to be discussed by the Committee and endorsed or otherwise.
    • Only one (1) endorsed nomination will then be voted upon by financial members present at the Annual General Meeting (notwithstanding the exceptional circumstances described at the beginning of this policy .
    • Election of a Life Member must be approved by a three fourths majority (75%) of the financial members present at the Annual General Meeting
    Benefits of Life Membership:
    • Award of the Life Membership at the next SAFC Annual Presentation Night
    • Exemption from membership fees associated with SAFC (this excludes player registration costs and this privilege is only extended to the Life Member & their partner- not other family members)
    • Personal invitation to both junior and senior presentation events
    • Listing on the club Honour Board, in the Football Club Web site and other official documents
    • Status of being a member of a select group within the club
    Retraction of a Life Membership Award may occur where the recipient has conducted themself in a manner that reflects directly and adversely on the image or activities of the Club. This provision will only be exercised in exceptional circumstances and will require the full support of the Singleton Roosters Australian Football Club Executive to be enacted. As part of these deliberations, the Life Member is also to be given an opportunity to present their case for retention of their Life Membership status.
    a) The Hon. Secretary shall attend and take minutes of the General meetings, conduct correspondence under the direction of the Committee, and generally carry out the policy and instructions of the Committee.
    b) The Hon. Asst. Secretary shall assist the Hon. Secretary as required in all of the abovementioned duties.
    a) The Hon. Treasurer shall receive all monies and bank same as soon as possible, in the name of the “Singleton Australian Football Club Inc.”. They shall also keep a correct account of the income and expenditure; submit an extract thereof to the General Committee as and when required to do so, and to see to the payment of all accounts when passed by the Committee.
    b) The Hon. Asst. Treasurer shall assist the Treasurer as required. All cheques on the Club’s bank account shall be signed by any two of the following officials named: President, Hon. Treasurer, Hon Asst. Treasurer, and Hon, Secretary.
    A ground manager shall be elected at the A.G.M and shall be responsible to the Committee for the cleanliness and upkeep of the ground and facilities. Their duties shall be:
    a) Ensuring close mowing of the boundary
    b) Marking in white, the boundary, centre square and goal squares
    c) Maintenance of the scoreboard, numbers, goal posts and their general upkeep
    d) Unlocking the change rooms prior to any game or training sessions
    e) Maintaining cleanliness of the interior and surrounding area of the amenities block and reporting all defects
    f) Securing the amenities block and extinguishing all lighting on completion of all training runs and games.
    The team manager shall be responsible
    a) To see to the maintenance, security and availability of all playing equipment
    b) For the provision and compilation of team sheets at each match and forwarding same to the club secretary
    c) To attend all training sessions and assist the coach as required
    d) For registration and clearance of all players
    e) To ensure all umpires are available as required and payment of same
    f) To ensure the availability of the scoreboard operators for home games
    The Committee shall appoint a delegate (s) to represent the Club on the Senior and Junior Leagues to which the club is affiliated. Such delegates shall report to the Committee. In the absence of such delegates being appointed, this duty shall rest with the respective Vice Presidents.
    The Captain shall have the sole management of the team entrusted to their command and decide for it in all matters of dispute which may arise in the field of play.
    a) The Coach is required to inform the Committee after the occurrence in the field of any act of disobedience, bad language or unseemly conduct of any player calculated to lower the dignity of the club.
    b) Any player(s), disobeying the orders of the Coach or Captain on the field or using abusive or bad language, or failing to wear the correct uniform of the club, shall be dealt with as the Committee may determine.
    All players to play in matches shall be financial members and shall be chosen by the Selection Committee. In the event of any member chosen to play in a match being absent, the Captain shall act on the advice of members of the Selection Committee present at the ground to fill the vacancy thus created. In the event of no members of the Selection Committee being present at the ground, the Captain and Vice-Captain shall act on their own judgment.
    Uniform of the club shall be predominantly red and white. Players jerseys, socks & shorts shall be predominantly red and white.
    a) The Common Seal of the Club shall be kept in the custody of the Secretary.
    b) The common seal shall not be affixed to any instrument except by the authority of the Committee and the affixing of the Common Seal shall be attested by the signatures of either of two members of the Committee or of one member of the Committee and the Public Officer.
    Except as otherwise provided to these rules, the Secretary shall keep in his custody or under his/her control all books, documents and securities of the club and they shall be made available on reasonable notice for inspection by any member.
  12. AUDIT
    The accounts of the club shall be audited by a duly appointed auditor, and a statement of receipts and expenditure by the treasurer duly audited shall be submitted with a report at the Annual General Meeting of the Club.
    The Statement of Objectives shall not be altered, nor shall the rules be amended, rescinded or added to except by the passing of a motion by a majority of financial members present at an A.G.M. Such motion can only be raised by a financial member. All votes shall be given personally.
    Should the Singleton Australian Football Club Inc. cease to operate, all property, estate, assets and effects shall vest in the senior and junior leagues with which the club is affiliated as determined by the incumbent club Committee.

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